Our curriculum strives to give students and families multiple access points to Jewish learning, from Hebrew and prayer to history and holidays. Below is an overview of our curriculum by grade level. For more information on our Hebrew curriculum and plans for 2020-2021, scroll down or use the links above to jump below. Note that this page is best viewed on a computer and not mobile device.
Grade | Hebrew / Tefillah | Text | Traditions / Ritual | Ethics / Mitzvot |
Gan K'tan (PreK) | Hebrew through music and games | Being Jewish means... | ||
Gan (K) | Intro to Aleph-Bet and Hebrew Greetings; Jewish life vocabulary for Holidays & Shabbat | Jewish values through stories | How do we celebrate Jewish holidays and Shabbat? | What is a mitzvah? |
Aleph (1st) | Identify shapes and sounds of the Aleph-Bet and vowels; Hebrew through Movement; Hebrew names for ritual objects | Celebrating Shabbat and holidays in synagogue and at home Synagogue geography | Jewish values and mitzvot such as Bikkur Holim (visiting the sick) and Hachnasat Orchim (welcoming guests). | |
Bet (2nd) | Identify and write letters of the Aleph-Bet and vowel sounds; Hebrew through Movement; Days/Months of the Hebrew Calendar | Torah and weekly parsha through stories; introduciton to Israel | Jewish Calendar | |
Gimel (3rd) | Identify the sound and name of every letter, write the letters in block and script. Decode 1 -2 syllable words and Identify and define Hebrew roots Tefillah goals by sound include: Barchu, Shema, Brachot, Four Questions | Family relationships in the Torah | Exploration of mitzvot, ritual, and brachot | Jewish values in the home, including Shalom Bayit (peace in the home) and Kavod Av v'Em (honoring parents) |
Dalet (4th) | Identify and write the letters in block and script. Increase fluidity in decoding multi-syllabic words; begin to develop skills reading tefillot from siddur; Ability decode and write all Hebrew letters and vowels Sing and identify key vocabulary from tefillah goals, including V'ahavta, Mi Camocha, Avot, Gevurot | Jewish lifecycle | Ten Commandments | |
Hey (5th) | Increase fluidity in decoding multi-syllabic words; Develop skills to read tefillot from siddur; Ability decode and write all Hebrew letters and vowels *Incorporate Hebrew script as able Sing and identify key vocabulary from tefillah goals, including: the Torah Service, Ein Kolheinu, Aleinu | Kings and Prophets | Introduction to Jewish History from the Kings to Exile and Jewish customs that developed around the world. | Welcoming strangers. Diversity in Jewish tradition in the Diaspora |
Vav (6th) | Develop sight decoding skills in siddur and identifying known tefillot. Tefillah goals include Readers Kaddish, Hatzi Kaddish, Kiddush and the Haftarah Blessings | Pirkei Avot (Ethics of our Ancestors) | Buiding a Kehillah Kedosha - a holy community | Values of food and gratitude and a hands-on exploration of Tzedakah as a relates to creating a just world. |
Zayin (7th) | Amidah (Weekday and Shabbat) and Kedushah, Hallel | Shaarei Mitzvah texts including Torah, Mishnah, Talmud, and modern commentary; Shoah; Contemporary Israel History | What does it mean to become a Jewish adult? | Exploration of Tzedek - Justice through mitzvot "ben adam v'haveiro" (between people) and "ben adam l'makom" (between people and God) |
Havurat Shabbat | Participation in Yad Squad and developing skills to lead Shabbat morning services. Introduction to trope and leyning | Family Torah and interactive parsha study | ||
Gesher (Teens) | What do Jewish values have to do with social justice and anti-Racism? |
Hebrew at PSJC focuses on building foundational decoding and siddur skills and comfort with Hebrew Life Vocabulary and central Modern Hebrew terms and phrases. In our younger classes, students are introduced to the Aleph-Bet through letters and sounds. We begin decoding in third grade, through a self-paced curriculum.
Tefillah (prayer / communal worship) is at the core of our Hebrew Curriculum. We want our children to value the experience of Jewish prayer and language, as well as to be able to participate in Tefillah at PSJC and in Jewish communities around the world. While Tefillah is only one of the ways in which Jews celebrate Shabbat and holidays, the language of the siddur is a powerful connection with K’lal Yisrael (the worldwide Jewish community) and in the life of a synagogue.
עברית בתנועה
עברית בתנועה
Hebrew through Movement is a language acquisition strategy in which students learn Hebrew by hearing and responding to Hebrew instructions. It starts by laying a foundation of spoken Hebrew, and builds toward the goal of making the prayers in our siddur, as well as synagogue and Jewish vocabulary, more easily accessible within a limited learning time. We will begin using Hebrew through Movement in the younger grades, to build a strong foundation for Hebrew language acquisition.
מילים חיים
מילים חיים
One of the important ways that we connect to the Hebrew language is through key Hebrew and Yiddish words and phrases that are part of contemporary Jewish life. The curriculum will use and explore Hebrew terms (such as shalom, mazal tov, tikkun olam, yasher koach, tzedakah, and more) and be introduced thematically by grade This Jewish Life Vocabulary also includes terms used within the classroom and synagogue consistently, integrating Hebrew grammar lessons (such as roots and prefixes) with Judaic studies.
עברית מודרני
עברית מודרני
Modern Hebrew vocabulary and grammar is not the primary focus of the PSJC Hebrew Curriculum. Through use of phrases in the classroom, Hebrew through Movement activities, regular Hebrew games; Modern Hebrew chugim, and supplemental activities, students will develop a foundation in Modern Hebrew that can be built upon in later years.
As we look towards in 5782 (2021-2022), our re-entry to in-person programming comes a chance to dream and imagine new models of learning and connecting. Check out some of the exciting things we incorporated while we were online the past year and stay tuned for updates on planning for the upcoming year. Want to learn more details? Sign up for a coffee chat with Aileen this summer or email to schedule a individual zoom meeting or phone call. For information on the weekly schedule, click here.
*Decisions regarding building use and safety protocols will be determined in conjunction with the PSJC Covid Advisory Committee, Hebrew School Committee, and guidelines from the DOE/HHS/NYS.
Weekly small groups or one-on-one sessions scheduled for Hebrew decoding practice
ShalomLearning management system for practice, asynchronous assignments, and tracking
Hebrew through Movement incorporated into grades K - 5th
Judaics curriculum by grade including
Family in the Torah (3rd)
Rock lifecycle (4th)
Jewish history (5th)
Tefillah goals by grade
Music and social breaks built into the weekly schedule
Shift Tefillah to a community or class meeting and incorporate meditation and mindfulness tools
Use weekly parsha questions to build social-emotional skills
Prioritize community and relationship building
Focus on listening to each other and yourself
Create family havurot or pods to allow for small group gatherings as deemed safe
Students in pods will work together on projects and parents will be encouraged to connect with each other
Weekend electives that are built around being at home or socially distant outside including:
virtual choir
running / yoga
modern Hebrew
and more!
Values curriculum with weekly projects for K - 2nd and monthly projects for 3rd -5th (supplies provided for pick-up or delivery)
Long-term, open-ended projects for 6th and 7th grade
Tzedakah (6th)
Tzedek (7th)
Online classes will still meet on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, and Shabbat and Sunday mornings
Increased opportunities for individual and small group learning asynchronously
We hope to have a weekend option for K - 2nd Grade students, based on registration
Opportunities for action projects (virtual, distanced, or on-site) throughout the year
View Jewish values through anti-Racism action and social justice lens
Resources for parents and families
Focus on Elul and High Holiday programming for start of the year
Provide resources for celebrating at home or with family havurot
Provide students with tools to develop and share new traditions